Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Castle Hill Show continued

 Marianne demonstrating weaving and allowing people to try it out.
Jill was showing the children and parents how to spin.

Who can 'Spin the Longest Thread'
Ready, Set, Go!

 Marianne won the first round

Marie won the second.

 As the ribbons were 'Meat Breeds' ribbons Jenny and Phil  auctioned Marianne off.

Castle Hill Show Successes for Ewes

 Carmel's cushion
 Barbara's Blanket and skeins,

Jill's Knitting

Anne Moores Knitting
 Eleanor's Machine knitted blanket
 Marianne's showcase of work that had won in previous years.

 Lots of Show and Tell on Friday a few weeks ago.

 Denise was back after an absence., but she was weaving while away. Her scarves were beautiful.

Diane Hart has made this lovely shawl
 Marie was visiting Margaret on the Central coast but was busy there. They did these lovely dyeing samples.